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March 2019 Joint Meeting with ITE SD

The SoCal section and the ITE San Diego Section met at the Plaza de Magdalena in San Juan Capistrano for a workshop themed: Planning and Deploying Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Projects.

We started the day with a continental breakfast and welcome session. We also had a Q&A panel session and enjoyed a delicious lunch.We had the following presentations:

Metro's LA County Regional ICM Assessment: Ed Alegre

District Speakers - SANDAG: Ellison Alegre

D7: Morteza Fahrtash - Presentation PDF Here

D12: Farid Nowshiravan

NCHRP: Vassili Alexiadis

Caltrans HQ: Nick Compin and Joe Butler

Thank you to our fantastic speakers, attendees, and sponsors for making the event a success!

Photo credit: Zaki Mustafa

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