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SoCal ITE Members Represent in Keystone, CO

During the week of July 25, 2018, many of our SoCal ITE members were in the beautiful Keystone, CO for the Annual Western District ITE Meeting. We attended informational technical sessions, obtained great ideas from other ITE sections, and shared fun memories and experiences with our ITE friends.

Many of our members and officers participated and served at events such as providing wisdom and advice for students at the Career Workshop for students, the Resume workshop to review students' resumes, and more.

Past officers and chairs were elected into the Western District leadership:

Neelam Dorman (ITE SoCal President 2014-2015) was sworn in as the Western District ITE President, and Giancarlo Ganddini (ITE SoCal President 2015-2016) was elected and sworn in as Secretary-Treasurer. Carlos Ortiz (ITE SoCal President 2008-2009) will serve as one of District International Directors. Walter Okitsu served as District International Director from 2016-2018.

The Western District ITE Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest recognition of professional accomplishment and outstanding services in the interest of the Western District of ITE. It is designed to honor members of the Western District who, as active or retired members in good standing of the Western District, have accomplished significant achievements over a period of over 20 years that have benefitted the membership, ITE as an organization, and the professional of transportation engineering and planning. Rock Miller was awarded this year’s Western District ITE Lifetime Achievement Award at the Western District Annual Meeting Awards Banquet on June 27, 2018. Rock has been involved with ITE for over 30 years and has held many leadership positions at the local, district, and international levels while serving as the chair of several Western District Annual Meetings. He is a voting member of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices which advises the Federal Highway Administration. He is an alternate member of the California Traffic Control Devices Committee and is on the Bicycle Committee of the Transportation Research Board. His bikeway designs are well known and have been implemented throughout the United States and Canada. The highlight video can be viewed here. Congratulations to Rock!

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