Institute of Transportation Engineers
Southern California Section

Why Join ITE?
As a member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), you join a dynamic, interactive group of more than 15,000 transportation professionals spanning more than 90 countries dedicated to solving today’s transportation challenges. Founded in 1930, ITE is a community of transportation professionals and serves as your source for expertise, knowledge and ideas.
ITE tailors its activities to keep our professionals at the cutting edge of transportation. ITE provides training through its Annual Meetings (International and Western District), Section/Chapter level meetings, On-line gateway and Professional Development Fund that can be used for professional development hours (PDH). Because transportation is such a specialized field, getting practical in-house training or finding effective academic/continuing education can be difficult and expensive.
Joining ITE will increase your professional marketability and allow you to stand out from the crowd. Taking advantage of ITE’s industry resources, professional development, networking, and leadership opportunities will advance your skills set and more importantly, your career!