November Business Meeting
Please join us on November 16 for the ITE SoCal November meeting. Gavin Duncan, Sr. Vice President at InterVISTAS will be presenting on...

ITE/OCTEC Joint Meeting - OC Streetcar Update
Join ITE and OCTEC at the Orange County Mining Restaurant on Thursday, October 27 for an update on the OC Streetcar Project. Register by...

Student Chapter Mixer
Calling all students! The ITE SoCal Student Chapter Meeting is coming up on Thursday, September 29, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at the...

Equity in Local Transportation Projects
ITE SoCal will be hosting the September meeting virtually, focusing on the topic of Equity in Local Transportation Projects. Sign up here...

ITE SoCal Summer Mixer 2022
The ITE SoCal Summer Mixer will take place on Thursday, August 25, 2022 from 6 to 8 PM at Rock & Brews in Buena Park. Find more...
Q2 Newsletter 2022
The Q2 Newsletter 2022 is now available!

ITE Annual Meeting - SoCal Section Wins Award!
At the ITE Annual Meeting in New Orleans, ITE SoCal Section won the Section Momentum Award! Also, congratulations to SoCal Section 2nd...

ITE SoCal Wins Two Awards
ITE SoCal received two awards at the Western ITE Annual Meeting: Section Momentum Award and Section Communication Award.

Sophia Tan (UCLA) Wins Outstanding Undergrad Award
Congrats to Sophia Tan from the UCLA Student Chapter on receiving the Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award!

Managing Corridors & Special Events Together
ITE SoCal and ITS-CA are hosting a joint meeting this June on Managing Corridors & Special Events Together. More information is available...